14 / December / 2016 16:25

Perseverance in battle’ only way to save Palestine; Leader

EghtesadOnline: Leader of the Islamic Revolution has said other approaches to save Quds would lead nowhere and are aborted.

News ID: 772258

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received Leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Ramadan Abdullah Mohammad Shallah on Wednesday; “all efforts by the Zionist regime to overshadow Palestinian issue will fail and the occupied lands will be liberated by the very perseverance in the battle of all Palestinian groups,” the Leader told the meeting, ILNA reported.

“Rejection of any concession and moderation against Zionist regime, insistence that all Palestinian groups stay together, and denouncing other reactionary countries for their welcoming of the enemy constitute the 10-point plan by the PIJ, and should be implemented in full,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

 “The Islamic Republic of Iran had been the first and foremost propagator of the Palestinian issue in the Islamic world and has worked unwaveringly to act according to its line of policy; however, there lies a mission with Palestinian elite groups, intelligentsia, and the intellectuals of the Arab world in keeping this hearth burning in the hearts of the world public; great efforts should be invested in prioritizing Palestinian question in the Islamic world at large,” the Leader suggested.

“The US and its regional allies have contributed to diverse forms of conflicts in the region so as to implicate religion as a dominant force behind crises; despite the hollow propaganda, Sunnis are victim to atrocities of the Takfirist groups in Aleppo and other cities, which belies their claims that sectarian element is at work,” he told Shallah, urging that Takfirism should be curbed, otherwise, Palestinian cause would be relegated to less prioritized position.

Ayatollah Khamenei believed that Takfirism should receive blow from Palestinian lands where they should not be tolerated; “this is the God’s providence that the difficulties will be over and the righteous will come triumphant,” he added.

On the role of the Palestinian young cohort, especially in the West Bank, Leader of the Islamic Revolution reaffirmed that the young generation of Palestinians should contribute to the unity of the nation against which the Zionist regime would achieve little success; "as said before, if and all Palestinians unite and all contribute to the fight, the Zionist regime will not be in existence in 25 years."

Ramadan Abdullah for his part, shared Leader’s view on the Palestinian issue and voiced his gratitude for the support by the Islamic Republic and Hezbollah of Lebanon brethren for Palestinian ideals; “it is unfortunate that Arab states of the region have become largely cold feet, and they would compete for better relations with the Zionist regime; now in Gaza Strip, more than 2 million Palestinians are under the siege and suffer plights and challenges of providing their daily needs,” he lamented.

“The PIJ’s 10-point plan garnered much support and fuss form the intelligentsia of the Arab world; we believe Intifada in West Bank would secure a path to success, and the Palestinian Authority should reject Oslo Accord,” he added.

"“Since the 51-day war, Palestinian groups have improved their combat capabilities, with missiles now working with high precision in hitting targets in Israel; Palestine is land of destiny and region would not see peace unless it returns back to its true people,” he concluded.

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